Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 10: Back to the Manor and Traveling to London

Happy Labor Day to my loved ones back across the pond! I made it back safely to the manor after a very long weekend in London.  I had many adventures in London, from being at the same McDonalds with the hit group One Direction, to traveling around on the Original Double Deck Bus Tour, and seeing Big Ben in person.  Instead of making one humungous and long blog post, I'm going to separate them into different blog posts this week to keep you least, I hope it will!

Today was a typical day at the manor- back to reality of having classes and getting homework done.  It's really frustrating when you want to be posting pictures and talking to your friends and family after a long weekend away from technology.  However, I was the MOST excited kid on campus when I received my first international mail from my Mom and Dad and a package of food from my Grandma.  The pictures that my family sent just made me grin and I am eating twizzlers as I type my blog now! :)

On the coach leaving!!
As for my trip to London, we left last week Thursday after dinner.  It felt strange to leave the castle...but nonetheless, I was ecstatic to get to London!  We had a 3 hour ride to London, an unfortunate 3 hours because our bus driver got lost!  On top of all that, a lot of us were getting bus sick because the driver kept slamming on the brakes every other minute.  When we hit the sidewalk, I think we were all a little more than relieved.  

We had a short 5 minute walk to our hostel, which was located in Holland Park.  It seemed like a nice area- in the mornings every day people would be out and about walking their dogs off of their "leads".  Once we got to the hostel, it was 10pm and the group of people I was with were starving!  So what do we Americans do?  We go and find a Pizza Hut and get pizza to take back to the hostel.  It was pretty good considering how much walking and the bus ride traveling we had.  We couldn't stay up too late though- the next day we were going to the Old Operating Theatre and the Florence Nightingale Museum.  

That's all I have time for tonight- homework is unfortunately calling my name.  Hopefully I can get time tomorrow to get information about the museums up!

Taylor <3


  1. Hi Tay Am rerading your blog and it seems like you were gone for a long time. Glad you are back. Have a good week and will be looking for your pictures. Love Grama

  2. Thanks Grandma! I feel like I was gone for a long time too- lots of homework to get done in the next two days so hopefully I get time for a blog update tonight and a story in about the museums! Love you and miss you <3

  3. Okay, Tay, grandma had to show me how to let's see if it publishes to your page or not...have a great week, study hard and I enjoyed skypeing with you on Sunday....Take care, Love Mom

  4. Grandma had to show you how to comment?! Well, it worked!! I had fun skyping with you on Sunday too. It's going to be a fast but quick week I hopefully I can get everything done that I need to. Talk to you soon <3
