Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 20, Weekend Trip with Desiree!! XX

Hello Everyone!  This may be a longer post, so here's your warning now!    I have been SUPER busy with school lately- every day we have had something going on during my normal blogging hours, so it's been throwing me off.  Hopefully I can get back on track this weekend to posting every day again!  Everyone is getting sick on campus, which is quite common due to the environmental changes and sleeping changes that we have gone through.  We have started to coin this beginning of the term sickness as "the plague".  This past weekend I went on a trip with Desiree and we stayed with her family that she has in Wellingborough and London, so get ready for some fun!

Desiree's aunt, whom I will refer to as "Auntie Agnes", came to pick us up on Friday from the school.  From there we drove to Cambridge to go and see King's College and Church.  It was absolutely beautiful!  I was impressed by the architecture of this old style building- unbelievable. We had a picnic in the park by the church to finish our adventure there- it was so nice to enjoy the beautiful weather!

After we left Cambridge, we drove to the American Cemetery, which is pronounced "cem-e-try" in England.  I have noticed we sound out all of the letters in each word, whereas they shorten everything which helps them talk faster!  The cemetery was made in during World War II for fallen soldiers in combat in Europe.  It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful.  

We also traveled to Althorp, which is where Princess Diana lived and was buried.  It was a beautiful manor, and unfortunately was closed for the season.  We were able to see the outside though, and it was gorgeous.  Auntie Anges said that people were lined up for miles to watch the hearse drive by and to throw flowers on it.  Apparently everyone loved Diana, and they still think of her as England's princess.  

The next day, we went to London to the Tower Bridge, which I like to call London bridge (even thought it's not correct according to everyone else!).  It's one of my favorite landmarks in the city.  We went to Auntie Agnes' son's apartment- it was really nice and close to the Thames as well.  We left there and had a picnic in the grass by the bridge.  Again, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and we were able to enjoy the view of the bridge.  Desiree and I left there to go to Buckingham Palace, where we were able to go inside and view the staterooms and diamond exhibit.  I was not able to take pictures inside, but believe me when I say it was GORGEOUS.  I couldn't believe I was able to walk in such a fine place!  From there we went to Oxford Street to go shopping at Top Shop, a very popular store in London.  I was overwhelmed by the clothes- I was up to no good in there, let me tell you!  That night, we went to another Aunt's house of Desiree's- Auntie Edna.  She welcomed us into her home and we had a great night sharing stories of traveling.
Magnificent View of London at Twilight

The next day (which would be Sunday), we went to church together to St. Chad's.  I didn't know there was a St. Chad, but apparently he exists in London.  It was a nice mass and I really enjoyed it, although they do say somethings a little differently.  After church we said our goodbyes and went on a river cruise with Auntie Agnes and her son.  It was really hot out on this day, but it was still a lot of fun.  We took the cruise to the O2, which is where there is a ski-lift type thing that goes across the river.  We rode that to the other side, and it went up to 290 feet high!  We left there and went to dinner at "The Living Room", which was a small posh cafe near the Tower Bridge.  Desiree and I said our goodbyes to them and made our way to King's Cross Station, and went and saw platform 9 3/4!! It was a lot of fun waiting for our train- we were back in Grantham in under an hour!  We took a cab and finally made it back to the manor in time to watch the sunset.  Now that's what I call a weekend!
Unfortunately, I have to get back to my schoolwork and studying, but I plan on posting again tomorrow from my Lincoln field trip yesterday- it was a cold and rainy day, but I absolutely LOVED the cathedral we went to!  Miss you all so much across the pond <3


  1. Dear Tay I just love the way you explain what you are doing and seeing. It is so interesting. Just feel like I am there with you. That was so nice of the aunts to welcome you into their homes and entertain you girls. I;m sure they loved being with you both also.

    1. Thanks Grandma! I'm glad that you like the way I'm describing it...I don't know where to begin sometimes. Got your card in the mail today and it brought some sunshine to my day so THANK YOU!!! :) Love and miss you!
