Thursday, September 20, 2012

Time of My Life

Cheers Everyone!

I hope you are all doing well- this week has flown by for me!  I swear that it feels like the days are traveling in hyper-speed.  School is going well; I am staying at the Manor for the weekend to indulge in homework and studying for my first British Studies examination on Wednesday.  After that, it's off to Ireland!  I'm so excited to go about traveling...but I figured I would give you a quick update about life :)

Wednesday night this week was fairly interesting.  Although I didn't get any pictures, I was able to go watch a game of dodge-ball against the houses here at Harlaxton.  It was fun to watch, but it was way more brutal than at home.  Instead of using the small and squishy Nerf-like balls, they used volleyballs.  You would think that they would have thought about potential injuries...but they played on.  The last game of the night, of course, someone got a really bad bang to their head and nose.  Never fear, the nursing majors were there!  We were able to get him cleaned up pretty quick, and I will say he is healing quite nicely today.  

Thursdays are my day for no classes.  Therefore, I spent the day doing nothing more than...homework.  I love the classes I am taking, but less paperwork would be really nice.  I was able to get a lot done, so I guess it makes up for it.  I was able to Skype one of my sorority sisters from home and talk to some friends via the internet, which was just what I needed.  I had rice for dinner (cheese omelets didn't sound very good!) and then I went to intramural volleyball.  I will say, I am getting better each week!  I might be able to hold my own soon...  Afterwards, I played some soccer with friends.  Then went to the bistro for a drink.  I would say all in all it was a fun night filled with friends and laughter, which was perfect.

To end my day today, I was able to talk to both my mom and my dad on the phone.  I don't know why, but sometimes talking on the phone just seems wonderful.  No Skype distortions, no nonsense; it was great to catch up for a few minutes about their days.  I can't wait to Skype them this weekend again so there isn't a time cap on the conversation.  My friend Jamie and I are jamming to One Direction now...a lovely British band that I am in love with :) If you want to know the song, it's called Live While We're Young.  

That's all for tonight- it's pretty late and I need to get more work done in the morning.  Talk to you all soon!


Taylor <3

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