Monday, September 24, 2012

Live While We're Young!!

Good Morning Everyone! 

I am still trying out the new blog layout, and I am trying to see how other features work.  I know I probably should have looked into this when I was just starting to create the blog, but I am in autumn here, the state of change, so it's only appropriate that it includes my blog too!

This weekend was nice at the Manor...except I got a small flu bug on Saturday night.  Not how I envisioned it working out, but it's okay.  Since I got my paper written on Saturday night I was able to take some long needed naps on Sunday.  Today we had our quiz in British Studies, and I can proudly say that I ACED it!!!! I was so excited- the teacher was clearly impressed by our studying skills and techniques.  This included yelling a date at each other and everyone racing to yell back what happened then.  He said, "You Americans, so barbaric and competitive; no wonder you went to your own continent."  Needless to say, we all were in tears from laughing. 

You probably are wondering why I attached this specific video to the blog today.  Well, there happens to be SOME British significance to it!  The group of men singing are One Direction, and if you haven't heard of them yet....well, you have now :)  They won Britain's version of America's Got Talent.  Simon Cowell actually pieced them together to create the ultimate boy band.  I think he greatly achieved, because on Saturday night this video had 3,900 hits.  Today, it has over 18,000,000.  UNBELIEVABLE!!!! But my friends here and I decided this will be our theme song for the rest of the semester.  Hope you enjoy!

Well, it's back to case studies, studying for an exam, and getting my final paper written for next week before I finish today, so we shall see how it goes.  Tomorrow I am taking a field trip with the Nursing department to Eyam, which is of historical significance because that is one of the towns the plague struck.  We read a book called, Year of Wonder, which showed how quickly the plague moved from person to person, house to house.  Hopefully there will be many pictures involved and it will be warm and not raining for my personal health's sake.  :)

Taylor <3


  1. Hi Tay sounds like you are feeling better. And you got all your work done. You are very organized, enjoyed skypeing with you yesterday. have a great week. love grama

    1. Thanks Grandma- I am feeling a lot better but I am nervous/excited/anxious because I have a big test tomorrow AND I'm leaving for Ireland!! There is so much to do, but I seriously can't wait to go. I will hopefully* get to post details about the trip later so everyone knows about it :) :) :)
      <3 Taylor
