Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekend at the Manor

Good Morning!  

I hope you are enjoying your lovely weekends.  I normally don't blog on the weekends, so this is a nice change in my schedule.  I have a lot of homework that I needed to get done, so I decided to stay here and work on it before I leave for my 5 day trip to Ireland!  Not many people are in the Manor, so it's kind of strange only having 20 people at each meal when you normally see 170.  I shall fill you in on my peaceful weekend at Harlaxton.

I don't have classes on Fridays, so I got to sleep in a little bit.  I had breakfast with my roommates that were still here, and I retreated to my room to do homework.  Unfortunately, it was really cold and raining outside, so I had to stay in to do all of my work.  I was able to get all of my work done that I planned for, which included making a study guide for my quiz and test next week, finishing my nursing quiz, and completing a first draft on a paper due Tuesday.  For dinner last night, we had sweet and sour pork and rice, which was...interesting, to say the least.  After dinner, a group of friends and I watched The Holiday, which is one of my most favorite movies ever!  It was so much fun- even guys joined us!  Between movies, I got to Skype my friend Hannah, who is in her first year of college.  We had a much needed catch-up session!  The second movie we watched was called Chocolat, which was actually an incredible movie.  In between movies again, I got to Skype my mom and my little brother, which was quite fun.  The security guard came over and I got to introduce them to a British person :)  The last movie I watched last night (you can only imagine how late we stayed up!) was the new Footloose.  We were dancing and singing the whole time, which made it even more fun.  However, at the beginning of the movie, the security guard came in the dark room and purposely scared us!  Needless to say, we jumped about 10 feet off the couches and screamed!  He felt so bad that he went and bought us full size Cadbury chocolate bars, which made up for it.  All in all, I would say it was a great night!

Today (Saturday) has been uneventful.  Even MORE people are gone, as they have left for day trips.  I am still working on homework, but I know it will be worth it when I am trying to enjoy Ireland next week.  My schedule today seems pretty bland, although tomorrow the students that went to Scotland return and we have to start our group projects again.  Monday we have a quiz, Tuesday I have a paper due, and Wednesday I have my first exam.  After that, it's time to rock and roll to Ireland!  I am VERY excited, and I believe I have a briefing about it next week on Monday.  Hopefully I can post some of the details before I leave.  

I hope you all have a wonderful day and a great weekend- thank you for all of your support since I have been over here!  I am truly blessed :) 

Taylor <3

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