Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 16, Hampton Court Palace and Runnymede

Hello Everyone- it appears as if I have fallen off the face of the earth, but I promise I'm just busy!  Today I arrived back at the Manor after a weekend with Desiree and her family, but I will elaborate on that more tomorrow.  I just got everything put up and I skyped with my family for almost two hours- it was definitely needed :)  I need to get back on track with the story of my first weekend out of Grantham, which is when I went to London and Hampton Court Palace!
We left London roughly at 10:00am, and the bus ride was a lot better this time around.  I was able to sleep a little bit even.  When I woke up, we were sitting in front of Hampton Court Palace!  I never realized the history of the building, but I was really impressed. 

The Palace was designed by "apartments".  Each King and Queen had their own section of apartments that they lived in.  It was really cool to walk through Henry VIII because it explained all the history of his wives- "died, beheaded, died, died, beheaded, survived".  The whole interior of the building was incredible and the restoration made it look immaculate. 

My most favorite part of this trip to Hampton Court was looking at the gardens.  It was absolutely gorgeous- I have never seen so many pretty flowers in my entire life!  I was amazed by all of the colors and plots that were chosen.  Unfortunately, we couldn't walk through everything, but it was still incredible to look.


After leaving Hampton Court, we went to Runnymede, which is where the Magna Carta was signed.  The American Bar Association even put up a memorial to it, as well as other countries, to commemorate the signing of this document.  However, when we arrived at the memorial, there was a pasture of cows sitting next to it.  Instead of students being excited about the Magna Carta, they ran to the cows!  I have never seen anything like it.  

We then loaded the buses and got back to school in time for dinner- it was a great trip all in all, and I can't wait for the rest of the semester!


Taylor <3

1 comment:

  1. hi Tay Sound like you had a fun trip. My Skype is gone so I am going to email you and you can tell me how to get it back.I know that sounds stupid. Such beautiful weather we are having. How is the weather over there? Is it like fall here? I bet you have a lot of homework and with all your traavelling on the weekends I bet you are really busy. Well you take care Love Grama
