Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Time flies...

Cheers Everyone!!  I hope you are all doing well over there across the pond!  I can't believe time is moving this fast over here- I feel like I just got here last week!  I am getting more used to the time difference, although it is strange to see no one else awake from home when I get up at 6:30am every day (your 12:30am!!).  I have received so many letters, emails, and packages- your support means so much to me!  I am glad to give my address out again if you would like to send anything- just send me an email.  

I would say the best part of being over here so far is the entire thing.  I can't believe I have made it to my SENIOR YEAR in nursing!  It was just four years ago around this time I found out I was accepted to UE for direct admission into nursing.  Unbelievable, that's for sure!  I love the weather (although it is much cooler over here!), the breathtaking scenery around the castle, the people- this list is endless!  I am so thankful and so blessed to be here!

I will say I do miss home.  I get asked what I'm hungry for often- I guess that answer would be Taco Bell.  They don't have mexican food over here, none whatsoever.  The school is really cool about trying to help us find food we like though.  I tried curried chicken last night for the first time- not bad!  Definitely out of my comfort zone.  I do miss my family and my house- my dad gave me a tour of the backyard and I saw my dog last week :) I would say I Skype home about 3 times a week, and I am able to text my family every day.  

Today I have been working on homework- literally, the whole day.  We have a group nursing project we are working on that is taking a lot of time, but it's a lot of fun since we haven't done anything like this before.  Fortunately I am staying at the Manor this weekend so I can get some homework done, although I got a LOT done today!  I plan on getting some trips booked tonight (Switzerland!!!) and I'm going to the House Dodgeball Tournament (remember the 5 D's of dodgeball!).  The bells just chimed, so it's time for dinner.  I hope you are all still enjoying the blog posts!


Taylor <3


  1. It is so good to hear from you again. Miss You and it was great seeing your pictures. Sounds like fun booking your trips. If there is anything special you would like to have let me know. Take care love Grama

  2. Grandma-

    I am having a lot of fun...but homework is trying to get the best of me! I am staying here so I can get done a few papers this weekend. I love the letters and packages- it's always fun to see what will be in my post for the day :) Hope you are doing well- maybe we can skype this weekend!
