Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Roma Roma Roma!!

Hello Everyone!

I have finally found the time to talk about my FINAL trip that I got to go on this semester- Rome!  School was busy today- I have a feeling I will be blogging A LOT in order to keep up with everything going on.  I am already a few days behind on this one, and I know today's information will be posted tomorrow.  9 more days abroad!  Unbelievable...well, here is the trip of ROMA!

My trip started with my packing experience for Ryanair.  I don't know if anyone has ever used a cheap airline, but for this trip, I did.  The tickets were cheap and we were leaving at a reasonable time.  Big mistake.  First of all, your bag has to be the size of a child's going to grandma's house suitcase.  So you have to wrap all of your clothes to be minuscule-sized.  Second, they are never on time.  Ever.  So don't count on an afternoon flight and expecting to get there before 10pm at night.  It just doesn't happen.  However, that's besides the point.  I was able to fit 3 days worth of clothes (plus options!) into my book bag as my equipment for tackling Rome.  Be proud, everyone.  Be proud.   

I arrived to Rome about an hour late, but safe and sound nonetheless.  I was excited about starting my adventure!  I figured I would get to the hostel and get to sleep because it would be an exciting few days.  Well, we took a bus to the train station, which our hostel was only 4 blocks away.  We asked police officers and taxis if it was a nice area to walk in.  They assured us that we would be fine.  No. We were NOT okay. We were almost mugged (ask for the personal story in an email in case this guy comes after me!), and it was an unsettling experience to say the least.  We ran into the door of a hotel and told the concierge what happened.  He was really upset and helped us avoid the bad part of the street in the end.  We arrived at the hostel soon after and passed out.  It was an exhausting day of traveling!

The next morning, I went to the Roman Colosseum and Forum.  It was BEAUTIFUL!! I can't believe all of the pictures I got.  I'm honestly going to share the facebook album at the bottom of the page because there are just too many to look at.  Rome was full of history and beautiful architecture.  I experienced this because I literally walked everywhere I went.  I learned a few things about Italian people as I did so.  First, they have no concept of personal space.  They don't care if they are brushing past you and touching you.  It doesn't phase them whatsoever.  I find this quite annoying, but I could handle it.  Second, they REALLY like their name brands, especially expensive name brands.  I have never seen so much Gucci in my life.  Third, they are into the whole Native Indian fashion thing, which is kind of weird to see.  They like to mix it with American flags and union jacks.  It's definitely different.  Oh, and they like to pickpocket.  Saw that happen plenty of times.  I am happy to say that did not happen to me (yay!).  After I went to those places, I walked to the Trevi Fountain to throw in my coin :)  I also visited the Pantheon and the Pavalon markets, which reminded me of like a home festival/carnival of sorts.  

On Saturday I went to Vatican City.  It was more beautiful than words can describe.  Not only did we have perfect weather, but we got to see so many amazing things!  St. Peter's Basilica was closed due to a ceremony of bringing American priests over into the Vatican. However, I got to go in the square, the Sistine Chapel (illegal photos coming soon lol), and the Vatican Museum.  I honestly felt blessed to go here- absolutely stunning.  Again, just look at the pictures.  It was so so so so pretty!   After the Vatican City, I walked to the Spanish Steps and then back to my hostel.  We had an early flight out on Sunday morning that we had to catch (even though the airline is ALWAYS late!)  

While I was in Rome, I ate pasta, pasta, and oh, more pasta.  I guess you can throw in some brushetta and pizza as well.  I also had gelato. All the time.  It was delicious.  I loved the food there, and I'm glad I walked everywhere or my body would have had to be checked in a bag to get myself back to the UK!  The cafes on the streets were really nice, but you had to watch out.  Restaurants stage their waiters around the edges of the restaurant to advertise and convince people to eat there.  Sometimes it was too much to handle and you literally couldn't walk away.  So if you go to Rome, BEWARE of intense cafe people.  Don't be afraid to shop around and find the cheapest pizza/spaghetti.  I believe I had a pizza shared for 250 euros for two people, and a pate of spaghetti with bread for 750 euros.  Which is not bad at all, considering they don't use decimal points in their numbers.  So hundreds are single dollars and thousands are like your double digit dollars.  Kind of confusing at first, but it worked out well.  I bought some souveniours as well, but those will be given away to others :)

Hope you enjoyed my Italy trip!  Time for bed here :)

Oh, and here are the pictures!  Pictures of ROME!

Taylor <3


  1. 1 more week to get thru yippee!Trip to Rome was very pretty Glad you got to go there. Are you going to be doing any more blogging?

    1. Yes I will be blogging- yesterday was a strict study day for me, but hopefully I can find time today before our Valedictory Dinner to do so :) I have lots to do and not enough time- 7 days!!!
