Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Au Revior! Allez Paris!

Bonjour!  Allez Paris auhord'hui :) I am so excited!!!!  I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday...a quick shout out to my mom and dad who are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary today in the Florida Keys- I hope you kids have fun!  I'm so thankful for everything they do for me and my family <3

I'm leaving for Paris in approximately an hour! I'm SO excited to go to this beautiful city.  A quick quote to start the blog off...
"We entered Paris and the Seine came into view.  Silvery and serpentine, it moved like mercury through the center of the city, a mesmerizing force." -Alice Steinbach
Hopefully I don't get lost!  The map has SO much detail!!
Here is what I know about this trip...I honestly don't have much planned, so it will all be up in the air when I'm there.  I'm travelling with my roommate and the school as well, so I won't be alone (no worries!).  I ask you all to pray for a safe trip- I'm going to be gone for 5 days!  It will be nice to get back into Europe (since I miss Switzerland already!).

  • Wednesday 07 November
    • Coach departs for Grantham train station, goes to London Kings Cross.  We check-in for the Eurostar (the chunnel to Europe!) and we arrive in Paris this evening at 7:30pm  We are staying at the Hotel du Pat d'Etain (I have no idea what that means either)
  • We have free days on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. (08-10 November)
  • Sunday 11 November
    • Depart the hotel for the metro, check in for Eurostar, and get back to London St. Pancras.  We leave London for Grantham and a coach brings us back to the Manor upon arrival at approximately 4:45.  
I am planning on taking a day trip to Versailles one day, which will be pretty cool.  I also plan on walking around the city, going up in the Eiffel Tower, seeing Notre Dame, going to the Louvre, and shopping!  Hopefully the trip goes well...normally I plan things out ahead of time, but I really just want to be spontaneous as possible here.  Well...that's all I really know for now!  Next time we talk will be on Sunday (hopefully if I can get my work done!).  

Au Revior! Allez Paris!  Vive la Paris!
Taylor <3

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