Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Eyam Plague Village, Chatsworth, and Ireland!

Hello Everyone!

I realize that it may seem early evening to you, but I am still awake here at Harlaxton trying to finish laundry and study for my British Studies test.  So I guess now is an appropriate time to update my life a little bit since I won't be back until Sunday after tomorrow night!!!  I will fill you in about the trips I took today with the nursing students and about my itinerary for Ireland :)

Today I went to Eyam, which is a village that was hit hard by the Plague.  It was a cold and rainy day- very dreary, but we made the best of it with small chocolates in hand!  We went into the museum and were able to learn a lot about the history of the Plague.  I guess I should let you know, we read a book called "Year of Wonders", which was about the village of Eyam and how they overcame the Plague.  After the museum, we went to the church and graveyard to see that piece of history, which was really neat.  The building was so old, and it listed the priests back to the 1200s.  

After Eyam, we took a trip over to Chatsworth House, where a present day Duke and Duchess live.  I completely forgot their names (I know, I know!), but it was really really cool to see the inside of their home.  Unbelievable flower arrangements were, well, everywhere.  They almost accented all of the artifacts in each room.  We were caught up there for at least 2 hours walking from room to room. (I don't know why this is underlined!!! SORRY!)

Once we got back to the Manor, it was time to get warm, study, and get ready for Ireland!  I have been working on homework and group discussions for almost half the night.  I then realized I should probably do some laundry so I have some warmer clothes to wear for Ireland (layers layers layers!)  So here I am now, almost midnight, writing this blog while the dryer attempts to dry my clothes (sometimes you get them soaking wet!).  

I leave for Ireland tomorrow evening from Harlaxton Manor at approximately 8pm by coach.  We travel up towards the west coast of England, where we will board a ferry that will take us to Dublin.  When you think ferry, you think of benches outside huddling in the wind.  No. This ferry is like a cruise ship, complete with a cinema, bar, and restaurant, as well as gift shops.  We arrive in Dublin on Thursday morning at approximately 6am, where we will travel to a hotel for a continental breakfast.  Then we will depart for our journey to Kilarney, stopping on the way to kiss the Blarney Stone (to find true love!).  We arrive in Kilarney  around 1:30pm.  We have the day to ourselves, and I honestly just want to explore the small village and see the rural shops.  Friday we depart at 8am for the Ring of Kerry, which is a coastal route bus tour that takes us to the most beautiful scenic places in Ireland.  We get back in the afternoon about 5pm, which gives us enough time to enjoy Kilarney night life.  On Saturday morning, we depart for Dublin again, where we will spend the night.  In Dublin, I have already booked tours of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Kihlmain's Gaol, and...the Guinness Storehouse :)  I am really excited about Dublin!!!  We depart early Sunday morning, again by ferry, to travel back to the UK.  We stop for lunch at a Welsh town that has the LONGEST name known to man kind, which is Llanfairpwllgwyndgyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, which translates to "The Church of Mary in the Hollow of the White Hazel Near the Fierce Whirlpool and the Church of the Tysilio by the Red Cave".  Bet you can't say either of those five times fast ;)  We arrive back to the Manor on Sunday evening at approximately 5:30pm, welcomed by a roast meat and potatoes dinner, complete with fake ice cream :)

That's all I have for now...keep me in your prayers as I travel this weekend and for my test!

Taylor <3

Monday, September 24, 2012

Live While We're Young!!

Good Morning Everyone! 

I am still trying out the new blog layout, and I am trying to see how other features work.  I know I probably should have looked into this when I was just starting to create the blog, but I am in autumn here, the state of change, so it's only appropriate that it includes my blog too!

This weekend was nice at the Manor...except I got a small flu bug on Saturday night.  Not how I envisioned it working out, but it's okay.  Since I got my paper written on Saturday night I was able to take some long needed naps on Sunday.  Today we had our quiz in British Studies, and I can proudly say that I ACED it!!!! I was so excited- the teacher was clearly impressed by our studying skills and techniques.  This included yelling a date at each other and everyone racing to yell back what happened then.  He said, "You Americans, so barbaric and competitive; no wonder you went to your own continent."  Needless to say, we all were in tears from laughing. 

You probably are wondering why I attached this specific video to the blog today.  Well, there happens to be SOME British significance to it!  The group of men singing are One Direction, and if you haven't heard of them yet....well, you have now :)  They won Britain's version of America's Got Talent.  Simon Cowell actually pieced them together to create the ultimate boy band.  I think he greatly achieved, because on Saturday night this video had 3,900 hits.  Today, it has over 18,000,000.  UNBELIEVABLE!!!! But my friends here and I decided this will be our theme song for the rest of the semester.  Hope you enjoy!

Well, it's back to case studies, studying for an exam, and getting my final paper written for next week before I finish today, so we shall see how it goes.  Tomorrow I am taking a field trip with the Nursing department to Eyam, which is of historical significance because that is one of the towns the plague struck.  We read a book called, Year of Wonder, which showed how quickly the plague moved from person to person, house to house.  Hopefully there will be many pictures involved and it will be warm and not raining for my personal health's sake.  :)

Taylor <3

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekend at the Manor

Good Morning!  

I hope you are enjoying your lovely weekends.  I normally don't blog on the weekends, so this is a nice change in my schedule.  I have a lot of homework that I needed to get done, so I decided to stay here and work on it before I leave for my 5 day trip to Ireland!  Not many people are in the Manor, so it's kind of strange only having 20 people at each meal when you normally see 170.  I shall fill you in on my peaceful weekend at Harlaxton.

I don't have classes on Fridays, so I got to sleep in a little bit.  I had breakfast with my roommates that were still here, and I retreated to my room to do homework.  Unfortunately, it was really cold and raining outside, so I had to stay in to do all of my work.  I was able to get all of my work done that I planned for, which included making a study guide for my quiz and test next week, finishing my nursing quiz, and completing a first draft on a paper due Tuesday.  For dinner last night, we had sweet and sour pork and rice, which was...interesting, to say the least.  After dinner, a group of friends and I watched The Holiday, which is one of my most favorite movies ever!  It was so much fun- even guys joined us!  Between movies, I got to Skype my friend Hannah, who is in her first year of college.  We had a much needed catch-up session!  The second movie we watched was called Chocolat, which was actually an incredible movie.  In between movies again, I got to Skype my mom and my little brother, which was quite fun.  The security guard came over and I got to introduce them to a British person :)  The last movie I watched last night (you can only imagine how late we stayed up!) was the new Footloose.  We were dancing and singing the whole time, which made it even more fun.  However, at the beginning of the movie, the security guard came in the dark room and purposely scared us!  Needless to say, we jumped about 10 feet off the couches and screamed!  He felt so bad that he went and bought us full size Cadbury chocolate bars, which made up for it.  All in all, I would say it was a great night!

Today (Saturday) has been uneventful.  Even MORE people are gone, as they have left for day trips.  I am still working on homework, but I know it will be worth it when I am trying to enjoy Ireland next week.  My schedule today seems pretty bland, although tomorrow the students that went to Scotland return and we have to start our group projects again.  Monday we have a quiz, Tuesday I have a paper due, and Wednesday I have my first exam.  After that, it's time to rock and roll to Ireland!  I am VERY excited, and I believe I have a briefing about it next week on Monday.  Hopefully I can post some of the details before I leave.  

I hope you all have a wonderful day and a great weekend- thank you for all of your support since I have been over here!  I am truly blessed :) 

Taylor <3

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Time of My Life

Cheers Everyone!

I hope you are all doing well- this week has flown by for me!  I swear that it feels like the days are traveling in hyper-speed.  School is going well; I am staying at the Manor for the weekend to indulge in homework and studying for my first British Studies examination on Wednesday.  After that, it's off to Ireland!  I'm so excited to go about traveling...but I figured I would give you a quick update about life :)

Wednesday night this week was fairly interesting.  Although I didn't get any pictures, I was able to go watch a game of dodge-ball against the houses here at Harlaxton.  It was fun to watch, but it was way more brutal than at home.  Instead of using the small and squishy Nerf-like balls, they used volleyballs.  You would think that they would have thought about potential injuries...but they played on.  The last game of the night, of course, someone got a really bad bang to their head and nose.  Never fear, the nursing majors were there!  We were able to get him cleaned up pretty quick, and I will say he is healing quite nicely today.  

Thursdays are my day for no classes.  Therefore, I spent the day doing nothing more than...homework.  I love the classes I am taking, but less paperwork would be really nice.  I was able to get a lot done, so I guess it makes up for it.  I was able to Skype one of my sorority sisters from home and talk to some friends via the internet, which was just what I needed.  I had rice for dinner (cheese omelets didn't sound very good!) and then I went to intramural volleyball.  I will say, I am getting better each week!  I might be able to hold my own soon...  Afterwards, I played some soccer with friends.  Then went to the bistro for a drink.  I would say all in all it was a fun night filled with friends and laughter, which was perfect.

To end my day today, I was able to talk to both my mom and my dad on the phone.  I don't know why, but sometimes talking on the phone just seems wonderful.  No Skype distortions, no nonsense; it was great to catch up for a few minutes about their days.  I can't wait to Skype them this weekend again so there isn't a time cap on the conversation.  My friend Jamie and I are jamming to One Direction now...a lovely British band that I am in love with :) If you want to know the song, it's called Live While We're Young.  

That's all for tonight- it's pretty late and I need to get more work done in the morning.  Talk to you all soon!


Taylor <3

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Time flies...

Cheers Everyone!!  I hope you are all doing well over there across the pond!  I can't believe time is moving this fast over here- I feel like I just got here last week!  I am getting more used to the time difference, although it is strange to see no one else awake from home when I get up at 6:30am every day (your 12:30am!!).  I have received so many letters, emails, and packages- your support means so much to me!  I am glad to give my address out again if you would like to send anything- just send me an email.  

I would say the best part of being over here so far is the entire thing.  I can't believe I have made it to my SENIOR YEAR in nursing!  It was just four years ago around this time I found out I was accepted to UE for direct admission into nursing.  Unbelievable, that's for sure!  I love the weather (although it is much cooler over here!), the breathtaking scenery around the castle, the people- this list is endless!  I am so thankful and so blessed to be here!

I will say I do miss home.  I get asked what I'm hungry for often- I guess that answer would be Taco Bell.  They don't have mexican food over here, none whatsoever.  The school is really cool about trying to help us find food we like though.  I tried curried chicken last night for the first time- not bad!  Definitely out of my comfort zone.  I do miss my family and my house- my dad gave me a tour of the backyard and I saw my dog last week :) I would say I Skype home about 3 times a week, and I am able to text my family every day.  

Today I have been working on homework- literally, the whole day.  We have a group nursing project we are working on that is taking a lot of time, but it's a lot of fun since we haven't done anything like this before.  Fortunately I am staying at the Manor this weekend so I can get some homework done, although I got a LOT done today!  I plan on getting some trips booked tonight (Switzerland!!!) and I'm going to the House Dodgeball Tournament (remember the 5 D's of dodgeball!).  The bells just chimed, so it's time for dinner.  I hope you are all still enjoying the blog posts!


Taylor <3

Friday, September 14, 2012

3 Weeks in the Manor!!

Hello Everyone! 
I wanted to drop a line before I head off for bed this evening...as you can tell from this post, it was made at 12:35 at night.  I will explain that lovely detail later...but I will give a quick introduction to this crazy Friday that I have had!

Today I woke up at 6:30am to get ready for classes.  Because we went on a field trip to Lincoln on Wednesday (I'm still working on that blog! Post hopefully soon!), we had to make up for the day of class that we missed.  Unfortunately, we also had a quiz today in British Studies, so everyone was on edge.  I had just gotten done putting on make-up when I heard the alarms.  It honestly sounded like we were being invaded- unfortunately, it was the fire alarm.  We all ran downstairs to find out it was just a lovely drill to wake us up for our quiz today.  No harm, no foul :)
After classes today, I saw I received some mail- a letter from Grandma and Grandpa Hibler!!  It makes my day when I get mail :)  I investigated about my Switzerland trip that I am booking.  I am SOO excited to finish the details on Sunday.  I found some great deals and a wonderful hostel to stay at.  I did laundry for the first time since being here, and I was successful!  I didn't have any tire-tracks on my clothes that people get.  However, the washers and dryers are a little different, but it was all okay.  
Tonight our nursing teacher and two of her children kindly invited the nursing majors over to their apartment in the carriage house for spaghetti- the one food we all missed from home!  It was so nice to sit with a family and have fun.  We finished our event together by watching "Ever After", the ultimate Cinderella movie complete with references to history that we actually understand.  I LOVE that movie so much, so it definitely made my night.
I was FINALLY able to skype my best friend to talk about the last two weeks since we have been so busy.  I MISS YOU!!!! :) Honestly, a wonderful time.  I had two roommates home for the night and another friend over for movie night.  We were just about halfway done with the movie "Mean Girls" about 11:50pm when the alarm sounded AGAIN.  We smelled smoke in the hallway- not a good sign!- and ran downstairs.  It was PITCH black outside; no lights, no NOTHING.  It was really scary walking to the front circle without any lights or guide.  Eventually the fire brigade showed up and cleared the building- just a small incident causing no real damage.  
So now it is 12:45am and the tower bells are going off AGAIN.  We are going to finish Mean Girls tonight even if the building has another alarm- let's hope not!  Unfortunately, I will not be posting pictures of today's events.  Considering the fire drill this morning and my afternoon in the laundry room, I look like a typical college student.  Hopefully I can get my Lincoln blog up tomorrow.  Pray for NO MORE fire alarms!


Taylor <3

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 20, Weekend Trip with Desiree!! XX

Hello Everyone!  This may be a longer post, so here's your warning now!    I have been SUPER busy with school lately- every day we have had something going on during my normal blogging hours, so it's been throwing me off.  Hopefully I can get back on track this weekend to posting every day again!  Everyone is getting sick on campus, which is quite common due to the environmental changes and sleeping changes that we have gone through.  We have started to coin this beginning of the term sickness as "the plague".  This past weekend I went on a trip with Desiree and we stayed with her family that she has in Wellingborough and London, so get ready for some fun!

Desiree's aunt, whom I will refer to as "Auntie Agnes", came to pick us up on Friday from the school.  From there we drove to Cambridge to go and see King's College and Church.  It was absolutely beautiful!  I was impressed by the architecture of this old style building- unbelievable. We had a picnic in the park by the church to finish our adventure there- it was so nice to enjoy the beautiful weather!

After we left Cambridge, we drove to the American Cemetery, which is pronounced "cem-e-try" in England.  I have noticed we sound out all of the letters in each word, whereas they shorten everything which helps them talk faster!  The cemetery was made in during World War II for fallen soldiers in combat in Europe.  It was absolutely beautiful and peaceful.  

We also traveled to Althorp, which is where Princess Diana lived and was buried.  It was a beautiful manor, and unfortunately was closed for the season.  We were able to see the outside though, and it was gorgeous.  Auntie Anges said that people were lined up for miles to watch the hearse drive by and to throw flowers on it.  Apparently everyone loved Diana, and they still think of her as England's princess.  

The next day, we went to London to the Tower Bridge, which I like to call London bridge (even thought it's not correct according to everyone else!).  It's one of my favorite landmarks in the city.  We went to Auntie Agnes' son's apartment- it was really nice and close to the Thames as well.  We left there and had a picnic in the grass by the bridge.  Again, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and we were able to enjoy the view of the bridge.  Desiree and I left there to go to Buckingham Palace, where we were able to go inside and view the staterooms and diamond exhibit.  I was not able to take pictures inside, but believe me when I say it was GORGEOUS.  I couldn't believe I was able to walk in such a fine place!  From there we went to Oxford Street to go shopping at Top Shop, a very popular store in London.  I was overwhelmed by the clothes- I was up to no good in there, let me tell you!  That night, we went to another Aunt's house of Desiree's- Auntie Edna.  She welcomed us into her home and we had a great night sharing stories of traveling.
Magnificent View of London at Twilight

The next day (which would be Sunday), we went to church together to St. Chad's.  I didn't know there was a St. Chad, but apparently he exists in London.  It was a nice mass and I really enjoyed it, although they do say somethings a little differently.  After church we said our goodbyes and went on a river cruise with Auntie Agnes and her son.  It was really hot out on this day, but it was still a lot of fun.  We took the cruise to the O2, which is where there is a ski-lift type thing that goes across the river.  We rode that to the other side, and it went up to 290 feet high!  We left there and went to dinner at "The Living Room", which was a small posh cafe near the Tower Bridge.  Desiree and I said our goodbyes to them and made our way to King's Cross Station, and went and saw platform 9 3/4!! It was a lot of fun waiting for our train- we were back in Grantham in under an hour!  We took a cab and finally made it back to the manor in time to watch the sunset.  Now that's what I call a weekend!
Unfortunately, I have to get back to my schoolwork and studying, but I plan on posting again tomorrow from my Lincoln field trip yesterday- it was a cold and rainy day, but I absolutely LOVED the cathedral we went to!  Miss you all so much across the pond <3

Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 16, Hampton Court Palace and Runnymede

Hello Everyone- it appears as if I have fallen off the face of the earth, but I promise I'm just busy!  Today I arrived back at the Manor after a weekend with Desiree and her family, but I will elaborate on that more tomorrow.  I just got everything put up and I skyped with my family for almost two hours- it was definitely needed :)  I need to get back on track with the story of my first weekend out of Grantham, which is when I went to London and Hampton Court Palace!
We left London roughly at 10:00am, and the bus ride was a lot better this time around.  I was able to sleep a little bit even.  When I woke up, we were sitting in front of Hampton Court Palace!  I never realized the history of the building, but I was really impressed. 

The Palace was designed by "apartments".  Each King and Queen had their own section of apartments that they lived in.  It was really cool to walk through Henry VIII because it explained all the history of his wives- "died, beheaded, died, died, beheaded, survived".  The whole interior of the building was incredible and the restoration made it look immaculate. 

My most favorite part of this trip to Hampton Court was looking at the gardens.  It was absolutely gorgeous- I have never seen so many pretty flowers in my entire life!  I was amazed by all of the colors and plots that were chosen.  Unfortunately, we couldn't walk through everything, but it was still incredible to look.


After leaving Hampton Court, we went to Runnymede, which is where the Magna Carta was signed.  The American Bar Association even put up a memorial to it, as well as other countries, to commemorate the signing of this document.  However, when we arrived at the memorial, there was a pasture of cows sitting next to it.  Instead of students being excited about the Magna Carta, they ran to the cows!  I have never seen anything like it.  

We then loaded the buses and got back to school in time for dinner- it was a great trip all in all, and I can't wait for the rest of the semester!


Taylor <3

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 13, Meet a Family, and Original Bus Tour

Good Morning to you all back in the states :) I hope you all have a great day- mine is already getting close to half over and I have to get ready for my excursion to my friend's aunt's house near London for the weekend. But here is a little update of what is going on over here!

Yesterday, we took a group picture of all the students at Harlaxton.  I can honestly say it's my favorite picture since arriving here!  Last night, I met my host family, coined "meet-a-family" at Harlaxton.  The couple, Ann and Andrew, are retired and they live in Grantham.   They picked me up at the Manor and we traveled back to their house, which was about a 15 minute drive from the school.  They live in a small subdivision near the outskirts of Grantham.  We had a lovely time- we just talked and talked and they made me dinner.  It was really nice to go into a home and be part of a family function.  While I was at dinner at their house, Harlaxton students were "sorted" into houses- a new tradition like Harry Potter.  I have been sorted into the Mercia house, which I like to call, " 'murrica".  Mercians is known for for their honesty and ability to adapt. They are most comfortable in autumn, the very season of change. Do not forsake their honesty, though, for like their double-headed eagle they can defend themselves quite well.  Interestingly enough, I do enjoy autumn, so I thought that was pretty cool.  The house system is going to help us compete in sports and other games and activities around the Manor on week nights.  I am really excited to meet the rest of my house!  

 Back to my London journey- after museums and the Tower of London, the group I was with traveled into Soho for dinner at a pasta place, which tasted almost (almost!) like home.  We then returned to the hostel for the night.  The next day, Bailey and I traveled together via the Original Tours, which is a double deck bus tour of London.  We were able to get on and off any routes we pleased, and we had a great time just experiencing the culture of London that way.  Some of the sights we saw include Westminister Abbey, St. Margret's Church, St. Paul's Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circus, and so many more!  It wasn't a very pretty day outside, but it was nice to sit down instead of walking to all of these places.  We did stop in Trafalgar Square, which is one of the Olympic headquarters.  We were able to sit with other tourists and Londoners and watch the trials of the Paraolympics, which was quite a cool experience.  I bought my little brother a t-shirt, and then we traveled onward to a small pub for lunch.  I was very happy to find a real American burger (they are hard to find here!) and then we walked down towards Westminister Abbey.  Of course, we saw good ol' Ben on the way :) Then, Bailey and I did a quick walk across the bridge towards the London Eye, which we were both scared to death to ride.  It was actually a lot of fun once we got on.  Each car that looks so microscopic actually fits up to 30 people in it!  There was a bench and we were told that it would take roughly 30 minutes to get all the way around.  I have never been able to see so far- it was really cool to attempt to see across London.  Of course, the view was magnificent as well. After our ride, we caught the tube back to our hostel and we went on a pub crawl with approximately 50 students that were on the trip with us.  It was a fun night meeting people from other countries- specifically Greece, Brazil, and Canada.  Bailey and I were able to get back to the hostel safe and sound for a good night's sleep- Sunday morning we were traveling to Hampton Court Palace!

That's all I have time for today- it's lunch time here and I have an afternoon full of homework to do to keep ahead for next week!  Hopefully I will be able to post again tomorrow before I leave.  If not, I will try to get on again on Sunday!

Taylor <3

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 12 and the Tower of London

Hello everyone!  I hope you wake up to a splendid day back in the states.  Last night I played volleyball with a bunch of kids in the sports hall and it was a BLAST!  I even hit the ball over the net :) Today has been uneventful so far...but I get to meet my host family tonight- Ann and Andrew- and I'm VERY excited! I even bought them some fresh flowers at the market.  I hope they like me!  Also, we are taking the semester picture out front today and we are being sorted into houses tonight (kind of like Harry Potter).  I have also finalized my plans for the weekend- I'm going to a fellow nursing major and dear friend, Desiree, aunt's house this weekend near London. That's my update of the day so far so now it's back to telling you about my London experience!

After visiting the museums, we walked down and took more pictures of Big Ben.  It was so wonderful to finally see the clock that my mother is in love with!  I feel like I was standing at this spot for over an hour- it was almost (just almost) ridiculous.  I then bought some souvenir post cards for some loved ones back home (hint hint, check the mail in the next 10 days!).  I had a lot of fun walking around.  The bridge that is next to me is the Westminister Bridge.  On the other side of it is the London Eye as well as the aquarium.  When we were walking to catch the tube we stopped over there for some delicious ice cream- and it wasn't fake either!  

"He got me!"
Bailey, Sara, and I said goodbye to the nursing majors as we caught the tube from Westminister over to the Tower of London.  I never really researched the tower before I got there, but I was absolutely shocked to see how big it was!  I thought there was no way we were going to leave there before 5:30, which is when they closed.  We started off into the tower and climbed the wall.  This is where I saw my first "crazy photo opportunity" as I took this lovely gem :)  One of our friends on the trip, Alex, joined us as we hiked through all of the "bailey", which is the surrounding wall.  We were able to see so many different artifacts.  I definitely recommend it to anyone traveling to London.  There were so many spiral staircases, but it was totally worth it.  By the time we finally finished walking around the wall, we still had the inside courtyard and the White Tower to visit!  

 We then wanted to see the crown jewels, which happened to be on display for the Diamond Jubilee of the Queen.  I wasn't able to take any pictures inside, but let me tell you, I got goosebumps walking through the vaults.  I have never seen so many jewels in my entire life.  They had all of the crowns of the kings and queens from the past century.  It was absolutely unbelievable.  Once we forced ourselves out of there, we went to have fun with the palace guard :)  If you go to Buckingham Palace, the guards stand so far away from you there is no way you could ever make them laugh.  However, we were standing so close to this guard that he could hear us talking in a normal-toned voice.  We started telling him jokes when another family walked up and we were all chatting together.  Out of the blue, the guard busted out laughing- and I was able to snap a picture!  He immediately started marching to gain his composure, but you could tell he was still smiling!  It absolutely made my day to get a picture of a guard smiling- I feel like I have crossed one item off of my bucket list. 

Make sure you click on the picture to see our friend smiling!!! :)

All in all, it was a great time at the Tower of London- I have many pictures on facebook.  Again, just ask if you want to see any.  Time for lunch here!


Taylor <3

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 11, Old Operating Theatre and Florence Nightingale Museum

Good Afternoon to you all at home!  I hope you are having a wonderful day today and that you are still enjoying reading my blogs.  Today was a typical class day, but we did go into Grantham for class to complete health surveys.  We also had a speaker come from Lincolnshire to talk to us about NHS and the health care reform in the United States.  That was pretty cool, but I got a lot of homework to get done in the next few days.  My study break today will be telling you about the museums I went to in London, so I hope you enjoy! :)

The door to the museum- creepy!
On Friday, we started our day at the Old Operating Theatre, which is part of St. Bart's hospital in London.  It is located near London Bridge and the Thames river.  It is one of the oldest buildings in London- we had to walk up a 92 step spiral staircase to even get into the museum!!  Once upstairs with all of our nursing majors, we were able to walk around and look at all of the artifacts.  I will warn you- some are a little gross, but they were seriously too cool to not take a picture.  

Obstetric tools- OUCH!
One of the first things that I wanted to look at was the obstetrics equipment that was used in the 1800s.  At this point in time, there weren't female doctors and they were all male.  Pain medication and anesthesia did not exist.  You could imagine a completely drug free childbirth, but could you imagine a childbirth inside your home with people unsure of what to do?  Here are some of the pictures of tools that they developed to "help" labor.  I'm not sure if this would help or kill me yet....

Me standing in the operating theatre
Patients were held down to the table whenever they had to get an amputation.  This was especially common in the "operating theatre", which is where doctors would line up around a banister and watch a doctor perform surgery on a patient.  There was no such thing as a sterile field, and doctors used the same bandages on patients (they were washed in water only of course).  

Tools that the doctors used in the 1800s
Doctors also had one coat to wear when they were operating.  Therefore, when patients saw the coat was stiff and full of old blood, they would know it was a good doctor.  If the jacket was white...well, they might have just ran back out the door to die from infection instead.  All in all, I think this museum was INCREDIBLE!  I have so many more pictures on facebook, but if you would like for me to post them, just shoot me an email and I can send them to you. :)

At the Florence Nightingale museum, we (when I say we, I mean the nursing students- there were 12 of us who traveled around together on that Friday) were able to explore Florence's life and how she impacted nursing.  She was known as the "Lady with the Lamp" and she also started the education of nurses.  I really look to her as an example of what a nurse should be because she was wholesome, compassionate, and giving of her life.  She even said on a certain day that God spoke to her to become a nurse.  How cool is that?

At this specific museum, I really enjoyed all of the pictures of healthcare that created a border around the room.  Instead of the pictures moving by year, they were all clumped together and connecting different areas of practice.  I also really enjoyed just learning more about Florence Nightingale in general.  Without her, I wouldn't be in nursing school today.  

Well, that's all I have for now- I will continue on tomorrow (hopefully!) about my visit to the Tower of London and also about meeting my meet-a-family tomorrow night for the first time! 
Taylor <3

Monday, September 3, 2012

Day 10: Back to the Manor and Traveling to London

Happy Labor Day to my loved ones back across the pond! I made it back safely to the manor after a very long weekend in London.  I had many adventures in London, from being at the same McDonalds with the hit group One Direction, to traveling around on the Original Double Deck Bus Tour, and seeing Big Ben in person.  Instead of making one humungous and long blog post, I'm going to separate them into different blog posts this week to keep you entertained...at least, I hope it will!

Today was a typical day at the manor- back to reality of having classes and getting homework done.  It's really frustrating when you want to be posting pictures and talking to your friends and family after a long weekend away from technology.  However, I was the MOST excited kid on campus when I received my first international mail from my Mom and Dad and a package of food from my Grandma.  The pictures that my family sent just made me grin and I am eating twizzlers as I type my blog now! :)

On the coach leaving!!
As for my trip to London, we left last week Thursday after dinner.  It felt strange to leave the castle...but nonetheless, I was ecstatic to get to London!  We had a 3 hour ride to London, an unfortunate 3 hours because our bus driver got lost!  On top of all that, a lot of us were getting bus sick because the driver kept slamming on the brakes every other minute.  When we hit the sidewalk, I think we were all a little more than relieved.  

We had a short 5 minute walk to our hostel, which was located in Holland Park.  It seemed like a nice area- in the mornings every day people would be out and about walking their dogs off of their "leads".  Once we got to the hostel, it was 10pm and the group of people I was with were starving!  So what do we Americans do?  We go and find a Pizza Hut and get pizza to take back to the hostel.  It was pretty good considering how much walking and the bus ride traveling we had.  We couldn't stay up too late though- the next day we were going to the Old Operating Theatre and the Florence Nightingale Museum.  

That's all I have time for tonight- homework is unfortunately calling my name.  Hopefully I can get time tomorrow to get information about the museums up!

Taylor <3