Thursday, April 19, 2012

Three More Months!

Today we had our final meeting for Harlaxton preparations!  Except this meeting was a little more special, because our Fall 2012 class had the Summer 2012 class join us for our last minute details.  It was great to have my best friend by my side as we talked through all the information.  But it did set in reality- we were going on separate adventures.  It just proves one thing: we are growing up, and growing up fast.
All throughout the meeting we got to talk about how NOT to freak out about the academic registration and housing process for when we arrived back in the states.  We also learned about packing techniques and had a panel of previous students that had attended before.  There were a lot of interesting stories (ones that you would make out to be horror stories), and one included flying all the way around the globe to get to Harlaxton because of snow (hopefully I don't encounter this problem!).
I feel like everything happening for this trip is like a dream.  It doesn't even seem like I'm going over there for a full semester.  I can't believe that I will be traveling so soon!!!  I got some great advice, which I will share just for fun :)
  1. Pack Lightly, if not, work out before you go to the airport.  As soon as she said this, I started to laugh.  Brooke and I do NOT pack lightly (the cruise was close enough to the heaviest luggage people could own).  The fact that they said we may have to work out in order to pull our suitcase through an airport just cracks me up! 
  2. Pack ahead of time (not the night before!).  I feel like I will be packing all summer long!  I can't even imagine where I will begin to start packing...what on earth am I going to bring that will last through sunshine, rain, cold, and snow?
  3. Don't travel alone.  Clearly this will not be an issue since I will be going with a group of people and will never want to be alone!
  4. Be aware of your surroundings.  Apparently pick-pockets come in all ages and sizes.
  5. Mis-haps end up being some of the greatest trips ever.  I think this is true.  Sometimes you just can't sweat the small stuff!
  6. You can buy a majority of things in Harlaxton for a lot cheaper than paying the extra fee to pack it in your suitcase.  True story.  I don't need to blow up the manor because I didn't have the right type of plug-in for my hair dryer! 
I also received information about my ISIC card, which is my international student identification card, which proves I am a full time student in the UK. Clearly I can barely contain my excitement about this card!!!! And yes, I look like a serial killer in my picture, but at least the purpose serves otherwise!

 I also received information on how to budget Harlaxton trips for under $250.00 (this is doubtful!) I seriously don't think I can do all the trips stated in my previous blog for $250.00!  But we can always try to live in the Harlaxton fantasy land where everything is wonderful (verbatim from the speaker today!)

I guess that is all the information I have for you for now!  Keep updated for more tidbits about my trip including planning my weekend excursions and various sight-seeing opportunities :)

Bon Voyage and Love!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

(IM)Patiently Waiting for Harlaxton :)

If you haven't found out yet...I'm going to Harlaxton College this fall!!! I can't be any more excited because I have dreamed of this since applying to go to the University of Evansville.  I will fill you in on the process that I have been through so far so you can keep updated with my trip!

First, I had to apply to get into the school.  They don't just let any person go to England.  I applied last December and received confirmation about my trip.  I literally screamed when I opened my letter (you can ask Andy!).  I had some paperwork to fill out and then I would be prompted further about the trip information.

My first meeting was held in the beginning of February.  We were like little kids buzzing on their first day of school :) I could barely keep the scream inside of me when they welcomed us as the Harlaxton 2012 Lions Class for the fall.  It was the most exciting feeling in the world!  At this orientation we talked about the different forms we would have to fill out in order to leave the country (apparently you can't just run out!).  We even talked about our course enrollment and what day we would be arriving to the school.  My heart was racing as I read through the information- arriving in Harlaxton on August 24th.  It seemed so far away...but now it's already April!

The second meeting held was about health, safety, and security while abroad.  I'm sure you have not seen the movie Taken and I would NOT take that opportunity to watch it until I come home.  Okay? Great :)

My third meeting was my favorite- how to schedule TRAVEL options!!! It was SOO exciting hearing about the trips that we could go on- I have lists of different places, but I know I need to narrow it down a little bit.  I can give you a sneak preview now though....
  • August 30-September 2: London and Hampton Court Palace Trip
  • September 26-September 30: Ireland: Coast to Coast trip!!!
  • October 11-October 14: Switzerland and Austria (MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!)
  • November 7-November 11: Paris and Italy (tentative right now) 
Of course I have a lot to think about...but I am more than excited about this opportunity.  I'm sure the big question for most of you is..."I'm glad you are going to travel, but when will you travel HOME???"  Right now, I will be arriving back in the United States on December 6th, 3:30pm at Chicago O'Hare Airport.  I'm planning on leaving after finals...going away is exciting and all, but I'm sure I will be missing home around that time!

That's all I have for now...I'll try to keep you updated as I get more information in line about my trip.  Stay tuned :)
